Friday, October 08, 2004
Replacement Items |11:27 AM|
This is something I was working on in August, but haven't finished. Things I would replace in and around my life.
My car:

My corolla has seen some rough times, and I admit I have a certain attachment to it. But given a chance to swap it for just about anything newer. Especially a snazzy new Celica.

I'd probably still want to add teeth, but no funny lights.
Given a chance, I'd probably stick some guns on it, spike the front wheels, turbo and install night vision windshield.

My current videocard leaves something to be desired.

While that's not an accurate image of my current card, with the functionality I'm asking for from its outdated chipset, it might as well be.
I'm thinking about replacing it with this.

The BFG 6800 overclocked extreme turbo gold edition. Water cooling is optional.
Requiring a 480 watt power supply, 2 of your HD power leads, an AGP slot and a PCI slot, this card is more powerful than your damn CPU.
About the only thing that could be better than this card would probably include a human brain.

A few other things I would replace will follow.
Fellow Employees
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