Dinosaur with a kite |2:13 PM|
Edit: Fixed.
For reasons I don't understand, there is a certain joy in the idea of a dinosaur flying a kite:

Here are some images I made out of Calvin and Hobbes comics that I may or may not have already posted. The dance image was interesting to create in that the original strip lacked clear borders between frames, and in fact lacked an equal number of Calvins and Hobbes.
Edit: I found the image in question, and I'll link to it here as long as no one tells Mr. Watterson. Dance. Notice that on the first and second lines, there are unequal numbers of Calvins, and Hobbes. The whole idea of separate frames is abandoned. From reading his last book, Bill Watterson loved to experiment with his strip, abandoning certain format conventions to the (deliberate)consternation of comics page editors. I could go on and on but if you're interested in such things, take a look at "Understanding Comics" by Scott McCloud, or read Watterson's last book. Sheesh, the previous paragraph could have been shortened to "When I was stealing Watterson's images, and turning it into a short animation, I had to edit and re-use some of the note graphics, as well as re-arrange the Calvins to make proper frames due to his stylistic choices."

After Calvin has transmogrified himself into a Tiger:
 It also works as a general "Huh?" type image.
Also, here is an animation I just made:

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