Tuesday, June 29, 2004
Cecil's introduction to Shiatzu |2:49 PM|
I was at Portal's apartment, nursing my healing back last night, when she mentioned that she might be able to help through the use of Shiatzu massage.
She said that her father was familiar with the technique, and had also had the same back issues I was experiencing. He had taught her the proper treatment but warned that it would be painful. Willing to give it a try I lay on my stomach, and learned just how loudly I could yell in suprise.

Portal was mashing her fists into the small of my back, pressing deep into the muscles, and not relenting despite the choked "URRRRAAAAA!" noises that I was producing. After a few moments of this, she asked me if it had stopped hurting. Suprised to note a distinct reduction in pain I replied that yes, it seems to have gotte OH MY CHRIST FUCKING LORD AAAAAAAAAAARG

Over the yells that I was worried might get the cops called, "Someone is killing a sissy with a cheese grater in the apartment above me!", I heard Portal saying to her roommate:
"Wow, it's just like dad said! One area would stop hurting, then I'd need to move half an inch up and start again, and that he was going to yell even louder when I did it!"
I managed to shut my mouth, but occasionally I would be forced to flail like a bug speared by the pencil of the almighty.

When it was over, I stood up, and found myself able to straighten. Medicinal agony. Thanks, Portal. I'll let you be the one to relocate my shoulders if that ever needs to be done.



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