Thursday, June 10, 2004
Actually posting. |1:02 AM|
Earlier this week I made a post called "Signs you may becoming emotionally unstable" but I thought it a bad idea to write something that made me sound...unhinged. But to hell with it. It's my goddamn blog. This was written before work, on one of the days I spent wallowing in a puddle of depression from the failure of my goddamn drugs. How Goth.

Signs you may becoming emotionally unstable"

Doorknobs bother you.

Given the choice between world peace and the ability to kill that tailgater behind you with your mind, it would be a tough call.

Getting out of bed in the morning becomes a near insurmountable task.
-After managing to get out of bed, you reward yourself with a quick nap, that turns out to last the better part of a weekend.

The sound of your telephone's ringer inspires a near violent feeling of rage.

You try to play music by bouncing your head off various parts of your desk.

You feel as satisfied with doing the dishes as if you had just witnessed your worst enemy hit by a bus, after which he cracked open like a pinata revealing a large cache of money orders made out to you.

The font used for the "SnugTop" logo on pickup bed caps is ugly enough to make you feel ill.


These comments work. Probably. ->


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