Tuesday, May 18, 2004
Tools and what have you |1:11 PM|
Vorpal has now learned why I fucking hate curtains, and curtain rods. He apparently spent several hours this past weekend drilling holes into his walls trying to get his rods level.
I have in the past spelled out my hatred of curtains and curtain rods, to which Portal has always expressed dismay and confusion. This is part of an ongoing debate about my house and the miniblinds. Portal agrees that though they are functional, they are ugly, and that I should think about installing some curtains to brighten the place up.

My counter argument is that I would rather have someone break one of my fingers than ever put up curtain rods again. Much less, installing curtain rods over multiple windows, especially in a house in which I would not be spending the rest of my life.
On the same front, I picked up a new, neato rubber mallet. My other mallet was lost in a move at some point, and I needed a replacement, which gave me ample chance to buy a "dead head" mallet. I didn't think you could improve on the technology of "barrel shaped object on handle" but they have done so. With the use of what sounds like sand, the mallet does not bounce back when it strikes something. It's hard to describe how cool this is, you have to try it for yourself. Portal did not understand my childlike glee at hitting stuff until she experienced the joy of rebound-less mallet striking.
I bring this up because I need the mallet to install the giant blue rack Portal has been trying to find a replacement for, as it is atrociously ugly. I am in agreement with this, but nothing beats a Metro-Cart for functionality.

Bad Referrals from the referal logs (Items people searched for on Google and got TPL).
"he made me suck the dog's ass"
"Zusty and JP"
"olsen twins fan fiction"
"Rodian Tits"
"How to hack Computers"

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Eew, who's searching for us?

By Blogger Zusty, at 8:21 AM  

Dunno. I could hunt down the IP of the person with that referrer pretty easily though. Might be my folks. They started reading this goddamn thing.

By Blogger Cecil, at 2:25 PM  

...why would your parents be researching your friends? Please tell me this doesn't make sense.
Yeah, check the IP, if you feel like it. I am curious about the curiosity.

By Blogger Zusty, at 1:15 PM  

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