Thursday, May 13, 2004
Hosting clean up |12:50 PM|
Here are a bunch of links to weird crap in the /hosted folder. I deleted some of the more obviously pointless links, but I left a lot of the random ones in there to give you an idea of what a hodge podge it is.

dunfealitany.wav"Sound clip from the movie Dune recorded by zusty. "Fear is the little death" etc."
dunwalk2.mp3"Sound clip from the movie Dune recorded by zusty. "Walk without rhythm, and we won't attract the worm"
evagifs.zipCollection of .gifs from anime series Evangelion
final2.aviYours truly building a computer REALLY FAST.
fisto_clonewars2.gifRecompressed .gif for zusty's kit fisto page.
funnycats.wmvMontage of cats doing werid things.
furcap1.mpgThe first video I made from "The Furry Incident"
gothkryptonite.mp3A song created by a friend of mine to scare goths out of his store.
iminjail.mp3Was Not Was's "Dad, I'm in Jail"
ljhackLivejournal hack that shows you recently uploaded photos.
lowlife.mp3Recording from E3 of me being called a Lowlife
magic_card_bats.jpgFake magic card 1
magic_card_cart.jpgFake magic card 2
moviegifsFolder of movie .gifs (edit: Drat, still no indexing of directories)
orsonwells.wavImitation of Orson Wells doing a green peas commercial
pbride43.wav"Sound clip from the princess bride part of the "I am not left handed" bit."
pbride45.wav"Sound clip from the princess bride part of the "I am not left handed" bit."
pole.mpgGAAAAH. I had no idea I had this movie. Pole vaulter catches pole in his personal pole area.
goingtovomit.movToo much pizza on a pogostick
prozac.movUsing a bank capsule to bother the pharmacist
soapbox.movUsing a bank capsule as a soap box
fwoomp.movUsing a bank capsule to bug a waitress
sandwich.mp3Zoidberg and his sandwhich
screentest.mp3A hideous tech support call in which a guy wants his ISP to hook his monitor to his computer
slutnazi.jpgSome chick
snowcow.mpgA cow falls down
spikes.gifclip from an anime
statuenyc.jpgsculpture that people thought was of a jumper from the WTC
techcall.mp3"A guy at a big computer company that works in service dispatch or similar claims that this is an actual call. He says it's not a prank based on a "Crank Yankers" sketch. Sick technician craps all over her house or so she says. "
techcallsHosted tech support calls
techcallswandive.mp3Guy threatening to throw himself off a balcony while screaming at his wife
this_will_make_your_day.wma"Same guy from that "Tech call.mp3" again sends me this…heavily accented call. It's just…odd."
AnimeGlint1.wavCliché'd anime glint
Mother.wavBladerunner sound clip "Let me tell you about my mother"
NOOOO2.mpegWoman's fine acting job upon hearing the news of her daughter's death
Sunfizz.mpgOne of the greatest commercials ever. Sprite's Sunfizz commercial.
anguesdei.mp3Choral version of Angues Dei
badgerphoneThe Badger Phone mirror
badmofo.wavRobocop soundclip. You're gonna be a bad motherfucker
bladerunnerwontlive.wav"Bladerunner sound clip "It's too bad she won't live…"
build4x.aviBuilding a computer in a hurry
cats.mpegOne cat taunting another cat gets tackled
cecil_blurred.jpgI'm told this is the greatest picture of me ever
colossus.wavColossus powerup from the X-men arcade game
dickisakiller.mp3Dick Is a Killer .mp3 mirror
dies_irae_intro.mp3Intro to Deis Irae. (Or is it Dies Irae?)
doors_ruin_thxgiving2.aviJim morrison! You have ruined thanksgiving again!


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