Thursday, May 20, 2004
Dumber Conversations |9:14 AM|
I'd say that conversations about the weather are among the most pointless topics we currently rely on to make small talk. Though I myself am more guilty of forcing conversations than I'd like to admit, I do my best to stay the fuck away from weather, sports, and TV shows.

I think I have finally heard a dumber conversation than "Howabout this heat?". I was making breakfast at the office this morning...

Videodrome's Iron Will Bagels:
Lenders Plain Medium Sliced Bagels
Single Scrambled Egg Patty
Single Sausage patty
Create sandwich, wrap in 2 paper towels, heat for 90 seconds in microwave. Weep about your current tasks.

3 women, who I assume were admins*, were standing around the snack machine discussing their air conditioners and heaters.

Okay, I can understand discussing the huge energy and cost savings that a properly sealed A/C system or digital schedule thermostat can offer. These women were nodding and "Uh-huh"-ing to descriptions of space heaters and how nice the A/C in their house is.

Admin1: "And we have this nice ceramic heater that sits near the couch..."
Admins 2 and 3: "Uh huh, yeah, mmmm"
Admin1: And it just warms up the place and the air moves around the room and bah blah hosewater...moo mooo

Fuck. Indoor Weather. From "Howabout this heat" to "howabout this space heater" I was hoping that one of them would wake up and say "Holy shit that was the dumbest conversation I have ever had. I am a weaker person if I don't learn from this and never repeat it again."
I know this can't happen. I'm sure at some point I'll hear people discussing the plots to TV shows that all participants had missed.

Side notes:

*Admin is a name for secretary that is less degrading, allegedly.

Threat I wanted to yell at a driver last week:
"Women will weep at the mention of your name when the world learns what I have done to you."

Threat used jokingly in response to patent infringement and intellectual property theft:
"...I'd hate to have to turn your life story into a lesson children learn for centuries to come."


These comments work. Probably. ->


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