Tuesday, April 06, 2004
Just to make sure |2:34 PM|
I don't currently have a living will. It's one of those things on my grand agenda though, and perhaps I should move it up a few notches in priority. I think I've linked to stories about Terri Schiavo in the past, but this most recent development bothers the shit out of me. Yes, it's quite likely the law will be struck down as unconstitutional. But just as a note, if I'm a vegtable, and it's clear that I'm not coming back, you pull that feeding tube. If you really want to fufill my wishes you throw a pillow on top of my face or crush my brain with a sledge (Right after you harvest all of my organs). I'm not saying give up hope right away, but if all the doctors say "No, he isn't coming back" then please give me a chance to shuffle off my personal mortal coil. You had better spread my organs to the four winds, though.

Dignity is one thing, but the lives of the people who can still feel and think are what I'd be more worried about. If I, or a loved one, is gone, than the family should be able to bury their dead, and move on. If the body remains and the brain is dead, then all you have is a warm reminder of the lost friend, a black hole of money, time and emotional pain.

Anyhow, I'm sure you folks are tired of hearing me say "Smash my vegatative head in with a hammer", so I'll quit now.

Oh, and thanks a lot, Pope. Ya bastard.


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