|9:55 AM|I want a Dremel tool, since they're so damned handy to have around. I don't want to blow money on it. I spend too much money on Pizza. If I can go 5 weeks without Pizza, I should be able to turn the savings into a Dremel starter kit.
I filed my taxes. I'm getting a refund of over two thousand dollars. That should come in fairly handy.
The car is going into the shop today. I hope they can fix it quickly, I'm going to be riding the bus to see Portal. Whoopty do.
I had a grand time in Dallas. Saw Sinclair, and the rest of the Dallas crew. Sinclair is scramming from Dallas. His magazine got fucked over by its advertising guy on the first couple issues, so now he's moving on, looking for work. When we said our goodbyes, we kept up the policy of short farewells, as is what I prefer. Or at least, I strive for. I know I'll run into him again, sooner or later. Hell, I may ask him to put in a good word for me at a game review magazine, you know, one at which I haven't burned my bridges.