Wednesday, February 18, 2004
A smattering |12:06 PM|
As an aside, sorry the site was down. Continued mayhem caused by my credit card being shutdown. Did I mention that? My credit card number was among quite a few others "at risk" when a computer at Visa was stolen. None of the numbers have been used, apparently, and so it would appear the thief was just after a free computer. I didn't know about this, as my bank had the wrong address for me. So the "Important notice" and "Hey, asshole, we're turning off your debit card!" did not make their way into my hands. How unfortunate. Meanwhile, I was going around town flipping out that my card wasn't working ("Goddamn stupid fucking bank!? What's wrong NOW?!"). Finally, at a UFCU ATM, my card was confiscated. At which time I flipped out to a greater degree and made faces at the camera while flipping it off, as well as yelling "Goddamn ape-shitting CHRIST what the FUCK" and other such phrases.

I went by the bank the next day and it was all resolved. I did not ask the account executive to drink a gallon of my urine in order to retain my accounts ("You won't? Are you not authorized to drink my urine? Is your supervisor here? Are they able?") As this whole mess was a great deal My Fault. Fuck.

I managed to "Hire" FluteFyre to take care of shipping my shirts, as I suck at it. As long as there are profits, she'll get paid. Now all I have to do is calculate the profit on each shirt, or just hope we sell enough shirts that we pass the $1400 mark and everything is "profit".

One of the few pictures I have of FluteFyre is from right after a trip to a water park. She doesn't usually wander around in a bathing suit.

This was in the same directory of images, and it amuses me. ARRRRRRR.

Finished Rise of Endyminion. Took me long enough. I had lost my copy of the fourth book in this series. Not wanting to throw money away by buying another copy, I'd occasionally sneak into bookstores and read a couple pages, as I was very close to the end when I lost it. I found my copy while cleaning, and was nearing the end again when my cat vomited on it. GODDAMMIT. I cleaned it up as best I could, and then waited a couple days for the book itself to dry out. Ugh.

I was called "honest looking" by some drunk folks the other day, but they wanted to use my cellphone. I think people who are hoping to rely on strangers being nice and honest will at least attempt to act nice themselves, unless they're trying to steal your wallet. Heck, they may still act nice to you.

Gene Boosting. Ooooh yeah. Sign me up, as long as it isn't lethal. I'd like to be stronger and hardier. Fuck yeah.

I was looking through drafts, and came across a couple of note. One was an entry I had to pull because it mentioned a friend of mine, whose ex-boyfriend was giving her crap about the picture in the post. Another was This old post set to "draft" I assume to keep from worrying people. It's not exactly tame, but it's not a suicide letter. Besides, I like some of the (admittedly foul) imagery.


These comments work. Probably. ->


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