Thursday, February 19, 2004
Damn this mortal body |12:13 PM|
What a load of crap. I've picked up some infection that is making me feel like death warmed over. Spots on skin? No. Hemorrhaging? No.
Nothing to justify why I feel like this. It has sapped my energy, I feel cold despite my huge jacket, I'm shivering or shaking, and my balance is crap.

This is bullshit. The least this disease could do would be to give me something demonstrable, like a hacking cough or blood running out of my eyes. But no, the only visible symptom besides shivering is that my face "doesn't have any color".

Vid says, as a manager, if I can't do my job I should go home. Well, I'm capable of doing my job but I'm not happy, which isn't a job requirement. I'm just going to sit here, feeling like death warmed over and wonder why my immune system failed me. It better look like a goddamn pro-wrestling match in there, with anti-bodies and white blood cells hitting bacteria over the head with tiny chairs or something.

On a lighter note, Portal has stopped punching me in the belly when I start doing something that calls for punishment. Now she bites me. At one point, during an explanation of the "Chicks in prison" movie genre, I launched into a rant about how we're all our hearts! How we can't let our emotions jail us blah blah blah so Portal started gnawing on my skull.
"Your head won't fit in my mouth!" She exclaimed, clearly disappointed.

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