Saturday, December 27, 2003
Stupid Shit you do with stolen goods |6:27 PM|
I still have this stolen bank capsule. As pictured below, it makes a crappy hat. But Vorpal and I tried to find something to do with it last night.
I used it to pay for a late meal and made a "Fwoomp" noise while giving it to the waitress. (I tipped her well).
Fwoomp 7 megs
The capsule was taken to the pharmacy with "Prozac" written on it and I complained that I wasn't that depressed.
The video of that is a little big so until I or Vorpal has edited it down, I give you a video of me trying to
pogo-stick after eating WAY too much pizza. No vomitting, I'm sorry. (7 megs)
It's functionality as a soapbox was tested, I tried to recite the Gettysburg address before FAILURE.
soapbox 756K
We filled it with glow sticks and a ninja turtle but that kind of sucked.
Vorpal tried to stuff his cat into it.

Labels: Broken Links, Pictures, Vorpal
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