Sunday, July 20, 2003
The world was my wheelchair |1:46 PM|
I went windsurfing with PortalStar this past saturday. It was quite amusing, and far harder than it looks. The speedboats throwing up chop did not help things, either. I was given the basic rundown on what to do, and I proceeded to get thrown from the board repeatedly. At one point, I was catapulted over the board, and the sail, by a sudden gust of wind. PortalStar and her father agreed that they had never seen anything quite like it before. I kept falling into the water, and hitting rocks, and at one point I went around the wrong side of the sail, only to have it stike my face quite hard. Reeling from the hit, I couldn't balance anymore and was pushed into the water immediately. Floating upside down, I realized I had to get back up to the surface or Portal's dad was going to think I was dead.
One thing about a windsurfing board, is that if the sail falls on you, it can be easy to panic if you try to come up underneath it. When I was much younger, I had been trapped under a raft while swimming, unable to surface. Because I had already felt that kind of panic at a young age, I'm much more comfortable when stuck like that. Sure, it's not fun, but you've got every other direction to go to free yourself.
My windsurfing came to an end, suddenly, when the board tipped up and I slid straight down into the water, hitting a rock with one foot, but not the other. All of my weight twisted my ankle violently, and I was thrown into the location know by its scientific name "Hurt Locker". Dragging myself back to the board (Once my brain had stopped vacationing in "White hot pain land" I gripped the board and relaxed for a bit. Signalling to Portal and her father, I let them know I was out of commision. I spent as much time in the water as possible, as it support my leg. I floated back around to the area of the beach where we were sitting, and told Portal to continue surfing without me. The whole lake was supporting me, and my leg. The world was my wheelchair, and it was comforting, despite the pain.
After the beach, we went to Walgreens and rented crutches. Once again, I'm riding gimp sticks. Luckily, my legs were not needed for eating Sushi:

Labels: Entropy, Mariko
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