Saturday, July 26, 2003
Impressive. Most Impressive. |3:55 PM|
The violin is repaired, I'm about to leave and go get it back from the shop. With any luck, I'll find someone to teach me here in town for a reasonable amount of money. Oh, and that fits my schedule. Oh, and who's really forgiving. I'm pretty much doomed.

While at the store, I was making small talk with the clerk, as he was filling out the paperwork. I opened the case in front of him, and commented that "Now the bridge isn't held together with super glue" and the strings "Aren't out of order". The clerk commented from across the room, with maybe a 2 second glance at the instrument "And those strings are no longer made in the people's republic of china."
Cecil: "You were able to identify it that quickly, from over there?" (This was said while I was looking into the instrument, at the label place there.

Clerk: "Yes, that's a [exact manufacturer], model 72. It's sold online, and we see them occasionally."

Cecil: "I'm really impressed"

Clerk: "Well, it's what we do here."

Later, I realized it was the equivelant of me looking across a room, and spotting a Lexmark 2455, and IDing it as such, knowing from the placement of the label and the blue access panel buttons that it wasn't a T. But his knowledge of violins is bad ass, while my knowledge of printers is dorky.


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