Sunday, June 08, 2003
Do either of you kids know how to operate a keg? |7:22 PM|
My computer is toast. As in, it freakin' fried itself and now I should just spread the butter and eat breakfast. I was going to have a fantastically dorky interlude here where I described exactly how I determined the issue was one of the machine overheating, but instead of masturbating my geek, why don't you just take my word for it. I'll skip straight to the comical excess.
I went by Fry's electronics in search of the biggest goddamn fan they sell. Once I had this monstrosity connected the computer, things were going a lot better. But of course, the motherboard or some other component has now failed, rendering the machine just as useless as before. Oh, and if anyone wants a monitor that's kind of yellow, I lost a gun in one of mine and you can have the son of a bitch.

I was at a party in San Marcos last night, and had some excellent BBQ. Present during the poker game were a couple of neighborhood kids. One of whom was nicknamed "Critter", who will come up again later. They were standing around looking somewhat bored by four guys cursing, smoking cigars, drinking booze and betting money. That's when Eric chimed up with the title of this entry, and convinced one of them to fetch beer, and the other to flip the sausages and what have you on the grill. Felonies and meat, that's what makes a party. Side note: The keg was tapped by "Molly", the keg tap I own despite hating beer. In increases my handiness factor by a great deal on the weekends. Speaking of handiness, I did repair a belt at the party, which led to this victory pose. I didn't know that woman was licking at my ear until I saw the photos. Drag.

Critter was a skater, and I did my best to learn how to ollie. The concept of the ollie is one that bugs the hell out of me. You stamp down on one side of the board, move your other foot up, and drag yourself into the air. This makes as much sense to me as grabbing my own hair and pulling myself off the ground. Determined to understand this dark magic, I had Critter demonstrate, and then attempt to teach me. I say attempt because I spent a great deal of time flying through the air, only to land with suprising force on the ground. I'm damn good at taking a fall nowadays, but a couple caught me by surprise. Like when the board got lodged under one foot and the other leg pendullumed into the nose of it. That one burst a bunch of blood vessels and bruised some muscle.
I did ollie once, straight up, kind of.

Sheesh, long entry. The cat codenamed bandit is doing alright. Despite my finding a home for him, my mother is keeping hold of him. I think she wants to keep him. My mother is becoming one of those cat ladies. Sheesh.


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