Thursday, May 01, 2003
I need a NAAAAAWS. Two tanks. |10:37 AM|
Oh, forgot to mention that the last night of swing dancing was this past tuesday. I'm probably going to take Lindy Hop with Portal, starting in a couple weeks. The dance classes definitely raised my energy level a wee bit, and were a blast. I really want to learn the "Tandem Charleston" but apparently that's not Lindy Hop. How odd that the Charleston is some holy grail that has to have its own class.

The classes are relatively pricey if you pay for them all up front. I get a discount if I get another follow (read: woman) to join. I guess I'm not the only guy who thought of prowling for dates there.

As far as the last class went, I'm a terrible dancer, but I got a compliment from the instructor. She said my tuck turn was the best she'd encountered, and that was the nitrous to my ego's engine. I felt like a bad ass, or at least, a reasonably ungood ass.
I have to remember to purchase Xmen tickets when I get home.

Oh! I tracked down "Yard work"! That damn "poem" that almost won the school poetry contest, all those years ago. I tested it out on a couple people, and they're still alive, so when I can get back to my machine at home, I'll repost the story AND that bit of work. It's full of the word "Thing" commas, and I even abused ellipses. Good thing I was kidding at the time.


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