Thursday, May 08, 2003
|1:18 AM|
Dammit. I had a damned post here about a letter. Crap Crap. I'll try to retype it during the day, but that bothers me. Blogger doesn't mess up very often, but when it does, it pisses me off. Nothing is perfect, but Word crashes, IE crashes, and Blogger crashes. I might install a keystroke capture program on my computer so I can always have a backup of what I've written. Of course, that is an incredibly bad idea.

Alright, starting over, and changing posting time:

I received a letter addressed to the wrong person, and I got to write "Return to sender" on it. This doesn't seem like a big deal, but I was always impressed by that service. I once sent a penpal a letter in England to what turned out to be an outdated address. I wondered why I didn't get a response until 6 months later, the letter returned to me. It was covered in labels, scribbles, corrections, and official additional postage. The damn thing had circled the Earth before coming back to my hand, and I wondered how many other hands had touched it, dealt with it, considered what to do with it and so on. Nifty in a lot of ways.

While I was holding the letter I felt a familiar shape inside of it. Cash, several bills. I thought to myself "Doesn't this person know it's unwise to send cash through the mail?" and went back to my writing. It was a few minutes later that I realized I wasn't even tempted by the idea of taking the cash. I got proud, my ego swelled, and hence this post. Now, the question I have requires a bit of setup.
If you had a card table setup on a sidewalk, with a sign on it that said "This money belongs to Jim Riles. Please do not take" along with a stack of $5 bills, how long would the money sit there before being stolen? No guards, no cameras.
I'd stop at the table, but just to watch.


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