Do not touch! |1:54 AM|
This is a combination of the several, short posts I have made in the last couple of days. Just so you're not suprised if you were keeping up.
That's peculiar. There's apparenlty some crazy delay in some of the posts I'm making.
Also, I wish I could express how tired I am of all the various servers and applications that take so fucking long to do anything on any fucking portion of my job.
But, I do want to specify that hammocks rule ass. I got to spend some time in one just this past thursday, and it kicked a helluva lot of ass. I will be installing one in the new apartment/townhome.

Well, they were asking for it, really.
The above is from San Antonio, outside the Ripley's haunted mansion. I'm going to throw up the galleries for it as soon as I have access to Excel, which is what I use to build these things.
There's some other things I want to post, but I just wanted to clean up a couple posts, and kill some time as the laundry/dishes/dryer is all being done. Azaelel is still here, and alive. The apartment really should have eaten him.
These comments work. Probably. ->