Friday, November 01, 2002
The name. |10:07 AM|
My last name isn't that hard to pronounce. It has two syllables, one of them is a common word for one of the genders, and it has 2 vowels evenly spaced. Despite this, about two fifths of the people who attempt to say my last name get it wrong, and usually all of them do it the same way.
The pronounce it "hymen".
This is awkward for everyone around, since the person usually doesn't realize what they've said until they've heard it out loud. It's awkward for me, since I often need to correct them. I don't immediately snap, and I've even managed to suppress the brief roll of my eyes (not out of superiority complexes or anything, just mental fatigue regarding my last name). Sometimes the mis-pronouncer is someone on a public announcement system, like at a restaurant. So my "name" will be called out and I'll have to walk up to the front desk. Sometimes(luckily rarely) people look up with the "What did they just say?" expression on their face. It's not like I can yell the proper way to pronounce my name across the restaurant, that'd be rude. Instead, the folks around me can quietly think "That man's name is Mr. membranous tissue that occludes the external vaginal orifice!"
Could be worse.
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//That should close up the previous year.
///Say this is the swap from 2001 to 2002, that should close up the 2001 links.
///Problem is, we also need to close up the final month links too.
/// echo '