Monday, October 07, 2002
Son of a gun |6:16 PM|
I just got back, and it seems this system had open on it, and now i've lost several posts. For good, it would appear.
I can quickly review the one I most miss, and that is my Res post. I finally played this game, and I was amazed. If hacking or tech support or any kind of computer interaction was anything like res, I would never bitch about my job again. The only problem would be that the mouse is still a superior interface when it comes to pointing. Try holding your arms up for an extended period of time, as long as you would during any session with the mouse. It's a real drag. So, unless they invent some null-buoyancy harness (Where your arm would only move when you exerted muscle force, otherwise it would just hang in what ever position you left it) the mouse is still king. But let me show you something.
This is my job
And this is Res:
I still want VR goggles and glasses for when we get the full fledged Mark Vision box (Printer tracking software) in our office. And, I'd want makeup that made it look like I was sunburned all around the eyes, and bleeding from the tear ducts. So if anyone visited the office and made me talk to them, (As in, taking off the goggles) they'd think that whatever I was doing was intensely harmful and painful. (As if to imply very advanced and important)
Of course, arc welding is remarkably damaging but not all that advanced.
Hmm, Home Depot is having a sale on Arc Welders, 599 for a full rig.
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//That should close up the previous year.
///Say this is the swap from 2001 to 2002, that should close up the 2001 links.
///Problem is, we also need to close up the final month links too.
/// echo '