Friday, October 04, 2002
Jobs, busy |12:55 AM|
Drove out to a place called "Marble Falls" to visit a small area called Crawdad east or bay or I don't even know. I was repairing the computer of a man who had apparently been some kind of mayor somewhere. He was from Wisonsin, and he had a broken macintosh. A few minutes of coddling and the thing ran like a dream, only problem was the hour and a half I had to drive to get there. I'm going to have to start charging a trip fee for distances over 45 miles from my hive point.
I did get a FANTASICALLY SHITTY digital camera. I will now post pictures using this hunk of exciting crap.



I bought a bunch of BALLPARK FRANKS. They indeed plump when they are cooked. Eating more than two hotdogs a month increases your chances of cancer, so eating 3 in a day can't be good. I don't exactly count on cancer being that which does me in, however.
More break ins at my apartment complex. The broken safety glass tipped me off long before I saw the note on my door. General safety tips and that sort of crap.
At 2 am this morning I'm going down to my car, hiding in the back seat disguised as luggage, with a laptop bag on the front seat. When someone comes by to steal it, I'll beat the living fuck out of them.
This is a great plan. I'll scream "KITCHEN, MOTHERFUCKER!" While I swing the crowbar, in order to scar them forever. With any luck, whenever they need to go eat, they'll whimper. Damn straight.
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//That should close up the previous year.
///Say this is the swap from 2001 to 2002, that should close up the 2001 links.
///Problem is, we also need to close up the final month links too.
/// echo '