Tuesday, July 09, 2002
I'm calling you from Alderaan |8:18 AM|
I did forget to bring this up. On Saturday, when Vorpal, Erin, and I went to go see "Mutant Aliens" we got out at around midnight. We decided to go see the
'Subs at a club called Black Cats. Erin and I had been planning to go out there a week from now, but it seemed like a good a night as any, so we skipped our way downtown. It was the police barricades and cop car we noticed first, as we pranced merrily. We found the burned out husk of a building, surrounded by demolition signs. We quickly realized that this in fact was our destination, the black cats' had clearly burned down. It was at this point that Derek and I launced into a familiar dialog:
Cecil: (Whining) Where's the club?
Vorpal: (In best Han Solo impression) That's what I'm trying to tell you, kid, the whole club has been totally blown away.
Needing answers, (and a drink) we headed to the Ritz. A couple dollars in drink fees and tips later, we had our story. An electrical fire had broken out that very day, 4:30am to be exact, and the upper floor had collpased onto the lower one. No one was hurt, but the club was a total loss. Live jazz, good swing, and the Satan's Cheerleaders were without a normal forum. I'm sure they'll rebuild it, the first black cat's was one step above "Legos" anyway.
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//That should close up the previous year.
///Say this is the swap from 2001 to 2002, that should close up the 2001 links.
///Problem is, we also need to close up the final month links too.
/// echo '