Tuesday, March 05, 2002
Reaction |6:05 PM|
I was at work today, and we had an former army explosives expert in the office. He wasn't around for long, but he was saying how he couldn't get on the plane with a pocket knife, but they let him on with a large, sturdy pen. He was saying that there were half a dozen ways that the pen was going to be a lot more lethal than the pocket knife. I wasn't really impressed, I was in the mood of not digging someone's ability to perform violent acts. But I thought, there must be a purpose for people like this. And then I remembered my previous post.
It's not about pride, it's not about revenge, but if a bordering country kept showing up and just shooting whoever they felt like, that's the sort of thing that I believe justifies a war. I'd go fight, and possibly be killed myself if I thought that the war I was fighting would stop wives from getting killed and random children being maimed. A war would be horrible, violent, and completely called for against a country allowing such acts. I've never been in the military, I can't say whether I'd order men and women to go fight and die, but I think a single civilian killed by another country is cause enough for war. "You do not harm our people". "You will not allow your citizens to attack ours." I know I'm simplifying things, but if you talked to that husband, after he tells his children what happened today, how important would political bullshit carnivals be to him?
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//That should close up the previous year.
///Say this is the swap from 2001 to 2002, that should close up the 2001 links.
///Problem is, we also need to close up the final month links too.
/// echo '