Friday, March 08, 2002
|4:25 PM|
I'm damned thankful for a lot of things, but some really basic things occurred to me today, and I don't know why. One is eelskin wallets, and another is that my blood clots when I'm hurt. Also, despite being the offspring of a family line of drunk, irresponsible, abusive, addictive behavior plagued, bastards who would have been gangsters had it not interfered with their boozing and gambling, I think I'm doing pretty well for myself. I didn't end up like my crack addict cousin, burdened by a child with birth defects likely brought on by her chemical abuse, who had to steal silverware from my great aunt until said great aunt dropped dead of eyeball cancer. Wait, no, that was her sister that had the eyeball thing. She died after being dragged around the country by my crazy half cousin. Oh, geez, that was a goddamn soap opera. My crazy uncle/cousin/whatever runs off with my great aunt when she started to go senile. He kept moving her from state to state, and finally (she lived in Detroit) we found out that she had died in Ohio.
This was supposed to be about what I was thankful for, I guess Not Being Someone Else in my family. I was going to buy a cheap ass kite today, it was absolutely perfect yesterday. I was half tempted to quit my job and go make whistles out of leaves of grass. Instead, I decided to wait and see how things fell. It is now 50 degrees and raining. Soon, the thunderstorm will start. And since I don't particularly feel like being struck by lightning, I guess I'll rent Darkman. Drat. Okay, dammit, things I'm thankful for... long distance communication on the cheap. Friends that will listen to my stupid bullshit. Friends that trust me with their stupid bullshit. The way the chopsticks just hold those noodles long enough to get them to your mouth but not so long you bite down on wood.
Alright, I fully intend to make a happy and uplifting post within the next couple...hours.
Eelskin wallets are durable, pretty, feel interesting, and make an easy exit from my pocket when I need to spend more money. I know that somewhere, an eel died to make my wallet, but I've seen eels. They're slimy and pissed off. I'm sure they'd eat my face and make a wallet out of my stomach.
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//That should close up the previous year.
///Say this is the swap from 2001 to 2002, that should close up the 2001 links.
///Problem is, we also need to close up the final month links too.
/// echo '