Monday, March 11, 2002
Darts...darts dammit |1:06 AM|
I managed to bury a plastic tipped dart in the wall. Then I did it again later. Those little son's of bitches have some oomph to them. Well, apparently only when I throw them. Vorpal's brother actually started trying to stick one of the plastic bastards into the ceiling. After a dozen or so tries, he started to give up. So I took one dart, and on my first try, blam, there goes part of the deposit. I started getting a little faster on my dart delivery, but once my arm starts shaking, my accuracy goes to crap. Sure, I can hurl 2 darts a second, but the first 4 are the only ones that are going to be in a good grouping.
Zusty is making a bunch of folks T-Shirts, since she's a kick ass manner of person. She's really got quite the functional Manta Ray. I asked politely for a shirt that says "We must submit to the robots" written in the Kanji. I've seen the prototype of this shirt, it kicks ass.
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//That should close up the previous year.
///Say this is the swap from 2001 to 2002, that should close up the 2001 links.
///Problem is, we also need to close up the final month links too.
/// echo '