Friday, February 15, 2002
Melancholy Renewed. |6:24 PM|
That's what I say.
For good measure. So I'm mailing a CD burner and a camera to some folks I said that I'd mail said gear to some time ago, but thanks to Austin Traffic it was nigh impossible to get this small task accomplished until today. So what happens when I'm pulling out of the damned parking lot? Red and Blue lights in my rear view mirror. Now, let's back up about 2 years ago to when I first started having financial issues.
Cecil: "You want HOW MUCH for insurance? Do I get tickets to MARS for that kind of money? I've never had a wreck in my life!"
So, as you can imagine, I don't have insurance. Which means, I don't have a safety inspection, which means, I don't have my car registered.
Which means....somewhere in the neighborhood of $600 in fines and assorted fees. Granted, that is less than the deposit and one month's payment on any car insurance I wanted, but at this key juncture this is really going to suck. So, I can get half of this dismissed, that is, if I get insurance, get my car inspected, get my car registered, and then get my ass to the police station to get everything signed off. In other words, I'm totally screwed. 10 days to raise, at the minimum, $700. I have....$400, and $200 needs to go the power company or out go the lights until I can raise an additional $700.
Fuck. Fuck.
It's actually kind of a relief to finally get nailed, since I no longer have to worry about getting nailed for no-legal-anything. However, I was mere WEEKS away from financial solvency. For real this time! The application to get my boss hired is in the mail, and I'm suppossed to be hired a few weeks after if all goes according to plan. It was! GODDAMMIT.
Well, I'm out of swear words. Seeing as how I'm totally fucked, I'm going to go play poker and drink whiskey. Wait, I can't drink more than a shot...oh fuck it all.
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//That should close up the previous year.
///Say this is the swap from 2001 to 2002, that should close up the 2001 links.
///Problem is, we also need to close up the final month links too.
/// echo '