Thursday, February 21, 2002
Luddite? Is that a floor wax? |11:14 AM|
My boss called me a Luddite for hating spam so much. He said it was here to stay and that it was like not buying things because they advertised on television. I said that was an unfair comparison, the commericials on television were paid for, and the money supported the show I was watching. At no time does money from X10 or Visa go from those companies to my ISP. If getting spam was something that made my internet service cheaper, then I'd be all for it. But the fact is that spam takes up bandwidth, hard disk space and energy. In reality, spam is costing me money. If you eliminated all that traffic it would mean less need for infrastructure, and thus a cheaper internet.
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//That should close up the previous year.
///Say this is the swap from 2001 to 2002, that should close up the 2001 links.
///Problem is, we also need to close up the final month links too.
/// echo '
//We Need to set the $YearMenuID
$YearMenuID = $year;
$MonthMenuID = $month;
///Now it should be different than other menu items, but the same for all parts of this
//year's DIV.
///This all needs to be in HTML.