Wednesday, February 27, 2002
|10:21 AM|
I played Warcraft 3 last night. In my unpopular opinion, it is not a good real time strategy game. I thought as much back when I saw it at E3, and having played several games I do not feel my attitude changing very much. There have been some incredible refinements, resource gathering and managment is a breeze, the controls are relatively responsive and intuitive, and the hero system is a huge leap. But the fact that armies are no larger than about 10 units or so is really annoying. What's the point of an epic strategy game when your incredible army is slightly larger than a high school gang of thugs? "Thanks for defeating the scourge of a dozen orcs, my liege!" There is no sense of epic conquest, no satisifaction in trampling over what would have been considered a "Light scouting party" in earlier games. Even Blizzard's old titles required a good 20-30 units for a decent attack. This 10 units-or-so system makes the game feel very small. I was suprised during the first game I played that it was all over before I even had a dozen units running around in the field.
Total Annihilation still tops the entire genre of meat grinder RTS games. No other game accomplished 150 unit attacks nearly as well as TA. And heck, TA still has the best explosions, they even have seperate loading progress bar for all that good Blowin' Up action.
I have to go get a ticket dismissed, and cough up $371 for the rest today. I'm still in too damn good a mood to let it get me down, though.
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//That should close up the previous year.
///Say this is the swap from 2001 to 2002, that should close up the 2001 links.
///Problem is, we also need to close up the final month links too.
/// echo '