Saturday, December 08, 2001
|6:22 PM|
I don't suppose I mentioned that I once started a bussiness? It was an independent computer consulting bussiness. 2 friends and myself started it as a way to cash in on our various geeky talents. Networking, computer repair, upgrades, purchase suggestions, we would do any job, since we could learn anything we needed in less than a day off the internet. It was about as low overhead as possible, a guy (me) sits at home, spends as little money as possible, and waits by a phone. We advertised with flyers and posters stuck to walls. All in all, I got probably 3 jobs total out of the month I was away from my real job. It cost me a whole lot of money, but it was an interesting experience.
Why do I bring it up? It's what got me really addicted to the internet back then. It's what allowed me to fall into some odd habits, and meet some odd and interesting people. It's not often you can look at a large event and know exactly what it's affect on your life was.
I can smell my soup, it's almost done. I'm going to see about getting something accomplished today.
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//That should close up the previous year.
///Say this is the swap from 2001 to 2002, that should close up the 2001 links.
///Problem is, we also need to close up the final month links too.
/// echo '