My maternal grandmother was such an awful person that for years my parents told me she was dead. Even after I found out she wasn't, I never met her. Not once, and then she died. I still read bible passages over her grave. Maybe my family was afraid she'd pop out and come after us. Technically, this is the first joke I've made about my dead grandmother at this point. You know, the day I found out she was dead, I was talking to Triple-G on the phone. I was saying how my horrible grandfather had a lot of money, and now that I was refusing to take any of it unless he made amends, I wished he would keel over. That way, I might have a shot at being left some of it. As I was saying this, the call waiting beeped, and it was my folks telling me my grandmother was dead. How ghastly.
Okay! Now that we have that wonderful stuff out of the way, I'd like to announce a contest. I have to clear some things with Vorpal first, but it's going to be a great and fun contest. So start making sure you're elligible. Become over the age of eighteen if at all possible. Age quickly you little jailbaits! Next, collect as much butter as possible into large vats, but not too large, just fairly large. After you've started the butter process, be sure to practice shooting light rays out of your head. I promise this will all make sense once I announce the details for the contest. Vorpal, are you with me!?