Sunday, April 22, 2007

Game Over?

Barring any suddent updates, it would appear that Josh Glantzburg is the biggest killer with 2 kills and the stylish "Pepperoni and SNAKES" kill.

Joe Weaver has taken second place.

Next game should start in 2 weeks, 3 on the outside. I do not know if I will be running it.

Please email me and suggest people who may be interested in playing the first "Oh boy we're better organized this time" game. I think I'm going to print some business type cards to act as invitations.
I'll consolidate the rules, make a "What did we learn?" post. Email me for crying out loud with suggestions.

Joe is dead

Top seeded Joe Weaver was shot and killed today.

Despite an excellent run and some good ground work he has fallen.


Jimmy Wifi is dead

This is how.
(Divx, 9megs)


Saturday, April 21, 2007

As a reminder

If you haven't killed anyone by noon or so on Sunday, I'm going to be hunting you myself.
I'm fair game as well, of course. Still, try to kill your targets. Those of you who have actually made a "hit" are safe, and I am not fair game to you.

Heads up!

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Failed Attempt

There was an attempt at a "Storage Solution"
Sadly it failed.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

I have a report of a failed bombing attempt! So close!

Saturday, April 14, 2007


I keep hearing about great plans, I keep hearing about intent, but I have not had any kills in days! What the hell.

4 new weapons were approved.

2 new people are in the game and possibly hunting your ass.

You need to make at least an ATTEMPT on your dude, or at least visit one of his addresses or I'm just going to have to start hunting you down myself.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

"I Wanna Be the First Kid on My Block With A Confirmed Kill"

In the spirit of trash talking and the amusement of others, here is a narrative of our first kill. If you manage to off someone, please feel free to write your own account, I'll be more than happy to post it.

I'd checked out the place before I decided to go in for my kill. Lots of cops rolling by in the neighborhood? Check. Small complex? (by small, we're talkin like 10 units at most, maybe 14 spots in the parking lot) Check. No place to really hide nearby without arousing suspicion? Check.

Shit. This was going to be harder than I thought.

Thought about lots of ways to go for it. They all had lots of issues. Finally decided to go for a bomb. Simple, elegant, and remote controlled. Big problem, gotta be in range to detonate the thing.

Showed up about 5pm, parked the car around the block and walked it to the spot. Planted the device next to the entry gate. Entry gate was open so I let myself in. Found the target's unit easy, not many units so not much searching to do. Walk up to the target's front door. Hear an excited dog come up barking before I even touch the door. No voice inside so no one home. Turn around to see a guy in his backyard. Old guy, not much to do, except watch me.

Shit. Time to get outta there.

I walk to the nearest bus stop to wait for the target. Try to act cool. Then the bus comes. I walk away. Back to the car. Time to step it up a notch. I park in the tiny parking lot and wait. I call an old friend and talk so I don't arouse suspicion. I wait. I wait longer. I'm figurin out when I should give it up and leave, come back in the morning and catch him on the way to work. Then it happens, he pulls up with his wife. They get out of the car and its go time.


They've left something in the car. They're coming back for it. He looks at me. I look at him.

Shit. Shit. Shit.

I've been made.

I'm outta the car running to get in range to trigger the explosive. He's running and yelling at his wife to run too. I get in range when it counts. He hits the gate and I hit the detonator.


Confirmed kill!!!


I'm coming for you next.




"That is a kill..."

Player 4 has eliminated player 5. Jason expired at 5:45pm today, the target of a remote "Storage Solution". His wife was also obliterated.

Since the game is pretty small, I'm going to try to get Jason back into it, in one role or another. This is also the time when folks who want to play (or know someone who does) should get in touch with me as soon as possible, since I can now put you into the rotation. HURRY.

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Poison Rules

Since this has come up a couple of times, I'll clarify poison rules:

Contact poisons, in order to be lethal, must cover aabout the area equivelant to 2 fingers. Huh? As in, if you coat a dude's coffee cup's inside handle, that ain't gonna fly, it'll never transfer. Cover the side of a coffee can, so that when he picks it up 3 of his fingers are pretty covered, then yeah, he's fuckin' dead.

Life savers dropped into drinks work, as long as no one sees you. Note: This is a great way to get arrested or beaten to shit at a bar.

I'm not the biggest fan of contact poisons, I'd say it'd take a really, really clever use of them for me not to say "Laaame". In fact, best text me the way you're going to do it first.

Comments? Suggestions?


Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Another day!

Another day, and still no kills! I was sure I was going to get a text message confirming a kill from one guy, as he was making a visit to his target. Oh well, maybe tomorrow.

3 new weapons approved today. Some are hysterical. One of them is available for loan, should you happen to need a gun.
It's a bit unpredictable.

No trash talking in the comments yet? No questions up for debate?

"Device" updates

Since leaving boxes around that say "Bomb" would be a bad thing, bombs must be designated with bright green tape, at least 2 inches visible, or the words (very easy to read) "Storage Solution".


Monday, April 09, 2007

Day 1

It would appear that Day 1 is nearing its end.

Zero Kills.
Zero New Entries
1 new weapon approval

Sunday, April 08, 2007


And we've begun!

Delay of Game?

Make the call, folks.

We've got info from 5 dudes at this point. 5. I can start the game today/tonight if you want, or we can wait another couple days while I pester people.

Email me your thoughts.

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

The calender

Because I'm an idiot and didn't attach it to the emails, here's the calender. You don't have to use this, but I do need times you aren't available to be shot.

Tuesday, April 03, 2007


Kick off for this game is 12AM Sunday the Eighth. Game runs for 2 weeks, with 12AM Sunday the 22nd.
Class A weapons only. (Water pistols, the banana pistol, really weak dart guns). When in doubt, contact me.

I think the consensus witness limit is 2. As in, 1 person (besides the target) can see you kill said target. But if 2 or more see you, then the kill is invalid. Oh, and you just blew your cover.

Style points matter. Last man standing (or most kills) does take first place, but second place goes to the most stylish player. This will be voted on, I think.

Stylish bomb design would be one way to do it. Another would be, oh, pictures or videotape of a kill (An accomplice videotaper would not count against the witness limit, because that's pretty conspicuous and makes the kills more difficult). (Even more classy would be setting up your bomb or trap, and a camera, so you aren't even there when the target "Dies")

Oh, I think a $5 entry fee would be small enough not to be a hassle, but enough to make a decent first and second price award. Also, wagering makes things more interesting.

Calling in a kill or a death

We're on the honor system 'round these parts. If you're in your house and you get what looks like a package from, you open it and hear a "THUNK" or electronic buzzer or whatever (You'd better not be that easy to kill), you're effin' dead. Text me, email me, email my phone, whatever. Let me know you're dead, I'll contact your killer. Be sure to give me a time, place, method to be sure.

If you kill a guy, again, text me, email me if you can. Again, give me the time/place/details. If you watched your dude drive off with a big bomb in/on his car and it's "Gone off", you may not be able to let the guy know he's dead. Especially if you don't know who he is, what his phone number is.
Get me the info, I'll let the dude know he's dead. He can contest it, but if it's been, oh, 8 hours since I attempted to contact him, he's presumed dead and I give his killer the new target. It shouldn't take that long, and I don't foresee there being any real contesting of kills.
This shouldn't be a big deal, you guys get text messages/email pretty regularly.

Speaking of, since I do have a job, it may take me a bit to respond to text messages, but my longest delay should be less than 4 hours. That's max. Same goes for email, but if I'm sleeping I'm more likely to hear the phone than the new email noise. I'll be sure to always have the phone.

You'll want to note these down:


Update on the camera kill rules

The camera kill, or "I take a picture of you instead of using a scope'd rifle" rules are as follows:

There can only be one person in the shot. (Should cropping be legal, guys? As long as the other parameters are met, I mean)
You must have the entire torso or the whole head of the target in the shot as well.
I had better be able to recognize the guy.

There must be an indicator of time in the shot as well. This means a clock, a calender, a newspaper stand, etc. This isn't just about verifying time of death (making sure you didn't kill the guy during a no kill period or whatever, we're on the honor system here) it's about making a tremendously powerful attack more reasonable. I could have said "A cat must be in the picture" but indicators of time make more sense. Note: The watch the dude may be wearing does not count.

"How the hell am I going to pull that off?" you say. Well you could wait for them to stand near one of these objects, or you could go and attach a clock to their car or outside of their house, something ridiculous like that.


Dossier Info

I'm still building the form, but to give you guys a heads up, this is what I'm going to need from everyone:

First and last name (this shouldn't require much research)

Make, model, color, year, and license plate of your car.

A phone number (This will not be in the info handed out, it's just a way for me to contact you)
Let me know if you can get text messages, as well.

Email address that you actually check.

Home Address
Work Address
Address of at least one place you hang out regularly (For example, I'm in the field across from Bull Creek Townhomes all the time throwing the boomerang.)

For any of you guys that don't have jobs at the moment, I'm going to need an extra location that you can often be found.

I will also need a headshot, a profile shot, and a full body shot, digital photo wise. If you don't have a digital camera let me know so, I'll be happy to lend you mine.

The big important bit of this information is the calender. Obviously we can't burst into someone's place of work and shoot them. The calender will need your work schedule so we know what times are off limits. You should also put on there times that you're going to be, oh, eating with grandma or something, so that's not all ruined. With any luck I'll have something you can fill out online or print out, write out some parts of it, and fax/give it back to me.

Now if you just scratch out all but one hour each day, I'm going to be miffed. Try to keep it to times you really, really can't have someone shooting you with a water gun. For example, I have to go eat Brunch with my family on Easter morning, so please do not hunt me down between 10 and 1pm. However, let's say I have a knitting circle or whatever at 1 to 2 pm. It's not a huge deal if I happen to walk out for a smoke break and get shot.

Oh, also, those "no shoot" times also mean "No bomb planting" on a car. Buuut you can always set something up at someone's house when they aren't there, etc.

I'll get the form out to you guys as quickly as possible, because I'm going to need them by late night Friday/eeearly Saturday morning.

If you want to send me the info in text form early, by all means.


I was considering the bomb related rules, and what do you guys think of requiring a mechanical component to any bomb? I'm not saying they all have to have, say, gears or whatever. I'm saying that you shouldn't just be able to go up to a target's car, stick a magnet on it, hope he doesn't check and call it a day.
Now, if you attached a magnet with a box to his car, and when he attempts to drive away a cord you attached to the ground pulls a pin out of the box or some such, now that works.
Another example, say for whatever reason you have access to a dude's house (Remember no breaking and entering). Just putting a note that says "BOMB" over his light switch is foolish. Hooking a noisy tape recorder or something to the outlet that is controlled by the light switch by the door, that's swell.

Another example, you can't just leave a box next to a guy's door, and so when he comes out he's "dead". A trip line (it'd better not actually trip him) or a motion detector, whatever. To avoid accusations of cheating or being unfair, might want to give the guy a bit of visibility on the bomb before the detonation step. I.E. the rope that is pulling the pin out of the bomb that is attached to the door allows the door to open at least 2 inches before HAPPY BIRTHDAY. Feel free to debate this.

Here's a couple of ideas from the book:
